Do you want to translate from English to Telugu then this website is going to help you a lot.
500 Character Remaining / 500
This tool Translate English to Telugu is absolutely free for you, all you have to do is type in Translate on the above text field and then click on "English to Telugu" button. Our app will then translate your English word, phrase or sentence into Telugu. This tool is powered by Google Translate API.
This tool only takes a few seconds to translate and up to 500 characters can be translated in a single request. Although this translation is not 100% accurate, you can get a basic idea and after making some modifications, it can be very accurate. Google engineers are working on this tool to make Google Translate English to Telugu more accurate. Hopefully, one day it will be able to translate correctly!
స్వాగతం - (Svagatam)
I Love you
నేను నిన్ను ప్రేమిస్తున్నాను - (Nenu ninnu premistunnanu)
హలో - (Halo)
How are you?
మీరు ఎలా ఉన్నారు? - (Miru ela unnaru?)
I’m fine and you?
నేను బాగున్నాను మరి నువ్వు - (Nenu bagunnanu mari nuvvu)
What is your name?
నీ పేరు ఏమిటి? - (Ni peru emiṭi?)
My name is ...
నా పేరు ... - (Na peru ...)
Pleased to meet you
మిమ్మల్ని కలవడం ఆనందంగా ఉంది - (Mim'malni kalavadam anandanga undi)
Thank you
ధన్యవాదాలు - (Dhan'yavadalu)
Excuse me / Sorry
నన్ను క్షమించండి / క్షమించండి - (Nannu kṣaminncaṇḍi / kṣamincaṇḍi)
Please speak slowly
దయచేసి మెల్లగా మాట్లాడండి - (Dayacesi mellaga matladandi)
Do you speak English?
మీరు ఇంగ్లీష్ మాట్లాడతారా? - (Miru ingliṣ maṭlaḍatara?)
I don’t speak Telugu well
నేను తెలుగు బాగా మాట్లాడను - (Nenu telugu baga maṭlaḍanu)
I don’t understand
నాకు అర్థం కాలేదు - (Naku artham kaledu)
Where are the restrooms?
విశ్రాంతి గదులు ఎక్కడ ఉన్నాయి? - (Visranti gadulu ekkada unnayi?)
Can I change money?
How much is this?
నేను డబ్బు మార్చవచ్చా? - (Nenu ḍabbu marcavacca?)
It’s too expensive!
ఇది చాలా ఖరీదైనది! - (Idi cala kharīdainadi!)
Please say it again
దయచేసి మళ్ళీ చెప్పండి - (Dayacesi maḷḷi ceppaṇḍi)
Left / Right / Straight
ఎడమ / కుడి / నేరుగా - (Edama/ kuḍi/ neruga)
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Friends, now you can translate from English to Telugu language easily and accurately with the help of Textwick tool. This tool will allow you to translate English text to Telugu text. Translating words, sentences and paragraphs into Telugu is no longer a difficult task.
Yes, You can translate English to Telugu with our online translation tool. Check Translate English to Telugu
Our English translator tool provides the most accurate Telugu translation because it uses the world's best machine translation engine powered by Google Api. To achieve the best possible quality of Telugu translation, make sure that the English text is grammatically correct.
Our tool uses machine translation powered by Google Api, Microsoft Translate, and Yandex. This tool lets users get the best English to Telugu translation. If you need more accurate human English to Telugu translation service, use Translate from English to Telugu.
Yes, English to Telugu translators comes at no cost to you, and there is no daily limit. However, to ensure that the English to Telugu Translation service is used in a fair manner, We limit 500 characters of text per conversion.
You can translate English words, phrases, and sentences to Telugu in a few seconds.
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